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    TopCrete Pool Renders

  • TopCrete Pool Renders

    TopCrete Pool Renders

Go With The Flow

Without the disrupting grout lines of mosaics and ceramic tiles, TopCrete 711 Crystal Topping complement the flow and continuity of water with a finish that is free of regular joints across walls and floors. Installed on site directly on the pool’s concrete shell, TopCrete Pool Renders offer a seamless finish enriched with glimmering glass beads in an endless variety of colors to create any mood or theme. 



Formulated For Pool Chemistry

Unlike field-mixed plasters and traditional pool plaster mixes, TopCrete 711 was formulated with special additives especially for the harshed chemical environment of chlorinated pools. The result: a topping with outstanding physical properties good enough for inside as well as outside water applications including pedestrian traffic, as well as excellent workability for consistent and appealing finish appearance. 



Have It Your Way

With a wide variety of colorful glass aggregates to choose from, TopCrete 711 can be tailor mixed to suite the mood and effect you desire for your water feature. Glass beads, fine crushed glass, Mother of Pearl and quartz are mixed in combinations to create glamour and appeal like on other for water features and swimming pools. For finishes with quartz and natural aggregates only please check out our TopCrete 700 Exposed Aggregate Topping 


How It's Done

System Details

TopCrete 711 is casted on site directly over the pool’s concrete shell in as little as 10 mm thickness on horizontal and vertical surfaces without the need for joints except existing joints in the substrate or what can be achieved by the crew in a single day’s work. 

Color Palette

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